
Dongyoung Sohn (Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin) is a professor in the Department of Media & Communication, Hanyang University-Seoul, Korea, where he has been since 2011. Before joining HYU, he worked as a faculty member at The Ohio State University-Columbus and the University of South Florida-Tampa, USA. He was also a visiting fellow of the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) at The University of Oxford, UK, and is currently an affiliated faculty member of the Center for Computational Social Sciences (C2S2) at Hanyang University-Seoul, Korea. His research programs center on the issues of network embeddedness — how individuals make sense of and interact with various local social settings in the networked communication environment like social media, which underlie various complex social aggregation processes including the spread of information and public opinion dynamics.

Dongyoung Sohn

Faculty Affiliate

Jayeon Lee (Ph.D., The Ohio State University) is an associate professor in the Department of Media & Communication, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Before joining HYU, she was an associate professor at Gachon University, Korea. Her research programs center on the issues related to social media and changing media environments — how individuals utilize, interpret, and share various textual and audiovisual information available on digital platforms in forming perceptions and attitudes, and making decisions, and how characteristics of digital environments influence the processes.

Jayeon Lee


Jinwoo Lucian Park (Ph.D., Hanyang University) is an assistant professor in the Department of Media & Communication, Hanyang Universiry, Seoul, Korea. Before joining HYU, he worked as an adjunct professor at Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea and taught at Sungshin Women’s University, Dankook University, and Kangwon National University in Korea. His research programs focus on the understanding of how public opinion is formed and changes in the networked communication environment like social media, especially from the public relations (PR) perspective.

Jinwoo Lucian Park

External Faculty

Chul-joo "CJ" Lee (Ph.D., The University of Pennsylvania) is an associate professor and graduate director in the Department of Communication at Seoul National University and holds an adjunct appointment in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Lee’s research focuses on the interplay between communication and social determinants of health. Lee is an Associate Editor for Journal of Communication. Additionally, he currently serves or has served on the editorial boards of some of the top outlets of the fields of communication and public health.



Jin-Ho Choi (Ph.D., Hanyang University) is currently a senior researcher at the Korea Press Foundation. He was formerly a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Computational Social Sciences (C2S2), Hanyang University-Seoul, Korea. His research focuses on explaining the changes in journalism, public opinion, and political communication in the digital environment using computational methods.

Jin-Ho Choi

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Sung In Choi (Ph.D., Seoul National University) is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at MER-G and the Center for Computational Social Sciences (C2S2), Hanyang University-Seoul, Korea. Her research focuses on the social implications of digital media and platform usage, as well as finding innovative research methods for studying them.

Sung In Choi

Graduate Research Assistant ​

Sujin Yoon (M.A., Arizona State University, M.A., Hanyang University) is currently a doctoral student at MER-G and serves as a research assistant jointly for the Center for Computational Social Sciences (C2S2), Hanyang University-Seoul, Korea. Her research interests are in exploring how group dynamics affect the patterns of public opinion in social media and applying computational methods to reinterpreting communication theories.

Sujin Yoon


Yoon-Jung Kim (B.S., Fu Jen Catholic University) is currently a master's student in the Department of Media & Communication and research assistant at MER-G and the Center for Computational Social Sciences (C2S2), Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Her research interests include media psychology, interpersonal communication, and advertising effectiveness.

Yoon-Jung Kim