Selected Publications

Sohn, D., & Choi, Y.-S. (2022). Silence in social media: A multilevel analysis of the network structure effects on participation disparity in Facebook. Social Science Computer Review. Advance online publication.

Sohn, D. (2022). Spiral of silence in the social media era: A simulation approach to the interplay between social networks and mass media. Communication Research, 49(1), 139-166.

Choi, Y.-S., Kim, H., & Sohn, D. (2022). Mapping social distress: A computational approach to spatiotemporal distribution of anxiety. Social Science Computer Review, 40(3), 598-617. 

Yoon, S., Choi, J., & Sohn, D. (2021). Why we remain silent: Socio-psychological factors influencing different types of silence in social media. Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies, 65(4), 148-184. 

Lee, J. (2020). Friending journalists on social media: Effects on perceived objectivity and intention to consume news. Journalism Studies, 21(15), 20196-2112. 

Tanenboim-Weinblatt, K., & C.-j. Lee (2020). Speaking across communication subfields. Journal of Communication, 70, 303-309.

Lee, C.-j., Kim, K., & Kang, B. (2019). A moderated mediation model of the relationship between media, social capital, and cancer knowledge. Health Communication, 34, 577-588. [Lead Paper]

Pena-y-Lillo, M., & Lee, C.-j. (2019). A communication inequalities approach to disparities in physical activity: The case of the VERB campaign. Journal of Health Communication, 24, 111-120.

Lee, J., Sohn, D., & Choi, Y. (2019). A tool for spatio-temporal analysis of social anxiety with Twitter data. Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2019), 2120-2123.

Sohn, D., & Choi, S. (2019). Social embeddedness of persuasion: The effects of cognitive social structures on information credibility assessment and sharing in social media. International Journal of Advertising, 38(6), 824-844.

Lee, C.-J., Nagler, R., & Wang, N. (2018). Source-specific exposure to contradictory media information: Documenting prevalence and effects on adverse cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Health Communication, 33, 453-461.

Lee, J. & Xu, W. (2018). The more attacks, the more retweets: Trump’s and Clinton’s agenda setting on Twitter. Public Relations Review, 44(2), 201-213.

Choi, J., Park, J., & Sohn, D. (2017). Social media and news perception: A study on the factors affecting news credibility and sharing intention in social media. Korean Journal of Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies (in Korean), 31(1), 184-219.

Sohn, D. (2017). “The science of social change: Toward an understanding of generative communication processes,” In Communication Studies in the Data Age (in Korean), Seoul: Communication Books.

Lee, C.-j., & Sohn, D. (2016). Mapping the social capital research in communication: A bibliometric analysis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 93(4), 728-749.

Sohn, D., & Geidner, N. (2016). Collective dynamics of the spiral of silence: The role of ego network size. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 28(1), 25-45.

Sohn, D. (2016). “Communication and emergence: Understanding collective social phenomena,” In Expanding the Landscape of Communication Research (in Korean), Seoul: Nanam Publishing Co.

Lee, C.-j., & Kam, J. (2015). Why does social capital matter in health communication campaigns? Communication Research, 42(4), 459-481. [Lead Paper]

Lee, J. (2015). The double-edged sword: The Effects of journalists’ social media activities on audience perceptions of journalists and their news products. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 20(3), 312–329.

Kim, J., Hwang, S., & Sohn, D. (2015). The influence of crisis history on public’s responsibility attribution and communication message evaluation. The Korean Journal of Advertising and Public Relations (in Korean), 17(3), 33-64.

Yoon, S., & Sohn, D. (2014). The effects of social anonymity on the perception and trust of online community: The role of perceived homophily and empathy. Journal of Cyber-Communication Academic Society (in Korean), 31(4), 189-224.

Lee, C.-j. (2014). The role of social capital in health communication campaigns: The case of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. Communication Research, 41(2), 208-235.

Sohn, D., & Choi, S. (2014). Measuring expected interactivity: Scale development and validation. New Media & Society, 16(5), 856-870.

Lee, J. (2014). Are some people less influenced by others’ opinions? The role of internal political self-efficacy and need for cognition in impression formation on SNS. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(9), 571–577.

Sohn, D. (2014). Coping with information in social media: The effects of network structure and knowledge on information value perception. Computers in Human Behavior, 32(1), 145-151.

Lee, M., & Sohn, D. (2013). The effects of commercial sponsorship of power-blogs on information credibility and product purchase intention. The Korean Journal of Advertising (in Korean), 24(7), 67-86.

Choi, S., & Sohn, D. (2013). Factors affecting consumers’ purchase intention in social commerce: The role of time constraint and the quantity of products sold. The Korean Journal of Advertising (in Korean), 24(2), 71-88.

Hwang, S., Sohn, D., Cho, Y., & Park, S. (2012). Improving PR System for Managing the Government-Public Relationship (in Korean), Seoul, Korea: Communication Books.

Sohn, D. (2011). Anatomy of interaction experience: Distinguishing sensory, semantic, and behavioral dimensions of interactivity. New Media & Society, 13(8), 1320-1335.

Kim, Y., Sohn, D., & Choi, S. (2011). Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites: A comparative study of American and Korean college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1): 365-372.